July 2011 Newsletter
Our July 2011 Newsletter can be viewed by opening the following PDF. What's inside --> Details on how you can check your credit score and a market update. View our newsletter: Starview newsletter 2011_07
Inaccurate TFSA Contribution Room on Notice of Assessment
On your Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Notice of Assessment from your 2010 tax return the Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) contribution room listed may be incorrect. It may show more contribution room than you might have available. If you are unsure of your TFSA...
Canada Pension Plan Changes
Amendments to the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) are being phased in between 2011 and 2016. Generally speaking, there is increased incentive to delay starting your CPP. The pension amount for those taking CPP before age 65 will be slightly reduced (phased in, starting...
Newsletter January 2011
Our January 2011 newsletter can be viewed by opening the following PDF. Topics include: a market update, paper statement requests and help for ailing parents.