January 2013 Newsletter
A link to our January 2013 newsletter is below. This edition has details about 2013 TFSA contribution, Medical Expense Tax Credit, and a market update. Starview newsletter 2013_01 (final)
2013 TFSA Contribution is now $5,500
Starting in 2013 the annual TFSA contribution amount has been increased from $5,000 to $5,500. If you don't already have a TFSA you will have accumulated $25,500 in contribution room since 2009.
Our July Newsletter
Click below to view our July 2012 newsletter which includes details of a new member of the Starview team, a market update and Old Age Security changes. We've also included an article on dividend and income investing, and an introduction to Manulife Synergy which...
Welcome Barry Sinclair
We are pleased to announce that Barry Sinclair has joined Starview Financial Advisors as a Financial Consultant. Barry brings more than three decades of financial and management experience largely from a successful career with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food...
Proposed Old Age Security (OAS) Changes
The 2012 Federal budget has proposed delaying Old Age Security (OAS) payments to seniors from age 65 to age 67. These changes won't take affect for 11 years and will be phased in over a 6 year time frame. If you're 54 or older as of March 31, 2012 (born prior to...
Visit us at the Lions Home & Garden Show – March 30 to April 1
Visit our booth at the Orangeville Lions Home & Garden show, Friday March 30th to Sunday April 1st. For more details on the show visit the Orangeville Lions Club webiste.
January 2012 Newsletter
Access our January Newsletter by clicking the link below. The newsletter includes a 2011 Year in Review and details on Estate Planning. Starview newsletter 2012_01
Happy 2012! … with $5000 more TFSA contribution room!
Happy New Year! At the beginning of each year you receive another $5000 contribution room for your Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA). If you don't have a TFSA yet you will have $20,000 of unused contribution room. Learn more about TFSAs
Peter Drake – Oct 11, 2011
On October 11, 2011 at 7pm we have the pleasure of hosting a presentation featuring Peter Drake,Vice President, Retirement & Economic Research for Fidelity Investments Canada. Peter will share insights with us on the economy and how recent events are influencing...
July 2011 Newsletter
Our July 2011 Newsletter can be viewed by opening the following PDF. What's inside --> Details on how you can check your credit score and a market update. View our newsletter: Starview newsletter 2011_07