RRIF Withdrawal Rate Changes
The 2015 Federal Budget has proposed changes to the minimum RRIF withdrawal rates. Generally speaking the RRIF rates for age 71+ are being decreased. For example: at age 71 the previous minimum withdrawal amount was 7.38%. With the announced changes the new rate is...
Mortgage life insurance may not pay
Some more examples of the pitfalls of mortgage life insurance and why it's better to get a life insurance policy independently from your lender. Click here to view Ellen Roseman's (Toronto Star) recent article.
Deductible Health Plan for Small Business
Do you own a small business? If you are incorporated or self-employed with at least one non-family member employee, you can make your and your employees health expenditures deductible. Click here to learn more about FlexSave from HUB Financial.* Contact us for...
July 2014 Newsletter
Click here to view our July newsletter. Inside you'll find our regular market update, three estate planning priorities and important tax information for US persons.
Save the date – Peter Drake, October 14, 2014
It is our pleasure to welcome Peter Drake back to speak on the economy and the new realities of retirement. Peter Drake is vice president, retirement and economic research at Fidelity Investments Canada. Peter is a former deputy chief economist at TD Bank and his role...
TFSAs – Add $5500 in 2014
For 2014 you have received $5,500 additional contribution room for your Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA). With a TFSA you can also make contributions for previous years if you did not contribute the full annual amount or if you made a withdrawal from your account. If...
RRSP Deadline is March 3, 2014
The deadline for making an RRSP contribution that can be used for an income tax deduction for the 2013 tax year is March 3, 2014
January 2014 Newsletter
A link to our January newsletter is below. Inside you will find a 2013 market recap, a TFSA reminder, a piece on fees for managed investments and a list of free apps for your smart phone or tablet. Starview newsletter 2014_01 (final)
Our July 2013 Newsletter
Please find our newsletter below. This edition has a market update, details on how to setup a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) login and a note about the proposed increase to the Lifetime Capital Gains Exemption. Starview July 2013 Newsletter
Accessing Your Account Online
You will need to update your bookmark for your account login as the web address has changed. To access the new location, click the “Client Login” button at top right on our site (top right on this page) or to access the site directly use:...